Saturday, February 26, 2011


Here's one more for you, Janice

Excerpt from Chapter 3 – Pomeranian and the cart woman.

A fat woman on the way to get her hair done at Alexander’s snooty shop next door came barreling up the road in her golf cart, its sun roof tassels swinging, her Pomeranian freshly groomed sitting in the seat beside her. Her and the dog got out and went into the beauty parlor.

With a devious smile anticipating what was ahead, the older officer said, “Let fatty get her hair done first.”

“That isn’t language befitting an officer sir, and you should be ashamed of yourself” Max squawked.

Francisco took him back inside and walking the length of the building tip toed into Janice’s bedroom and placed Max on the back of a chair next to the bed where she had fallen asleep, and left.

“They say that parrot talks, did you hear him talk? The older policeman asked his partner.”

‘Nunca,” He replied shiftily casting his eyes on the roadway. “I don’t think we should have let him speak to us that way though.

“We need to check out the neighborhood. Alejandro the great is not going to be done with fatty’s hair for a long time and we can come back later to ticket her and take that dog that rides with her into the dog shelter.”

Yes, she should be charged with animal abuse, speeding along in an open cart with no doors subjecting that poor, fancy, innocent, dog to danger.” The younger officer laughed as he spit on the cobblestone street.


. Janice saw Max sitting on the chair beside her when she woke up. “Do you dream Jefeta? (an endearing term for boss,)he asked her.

“Yes,” Maximo,” she said. I just now dreamed of children, poor children from way up above the Milpa’s that lived in adobe huts, and they were dressed like old men. I brought a truckload of them home with me, and when I got here I found they were all ducks, and when they took off their masks their heads were beaked and they looked just like you!

“What happened next?”

“Well, I opened the tailgate, and then I woke up. “ Max, feeling at ease in this intimate setting alone with Janice, began to tell the sad tale of his poaching.

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